Servanthood of Jesus is the real Celebration

Servanthood of Jesus is the real Celebration

Dear Friends

Greetings in the name of our matchless Risen Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

This special month in the life of LTCC is always a reminder of our journey with the Lord and His people as an Ecumenical Church family.

As a worshipping community, we reflect and remind ourselves, in a very special way this year, of 50 years of LTCC journey.

The Christian journey is not always relaxed and does not mean an untroubled life. It is a mindful journey of practising God’s love which was shown through Jesus Christ. The beginning of LTCC in the year 1972 was a small beginning, fulfilling a desire of a few people from Sri Lanka to sing Tamil Songs, pray together and worship the Lord together and it started at the Putney Methodist Church, in Putney in London. As it grew, it drew many more people into its fold and became an ecumenical Congregation.

When I reflect on my journey as LTCC Minister for the past 14 years, I can proclaim the ways in which LTCC expresses the global Church. It is the understanding Church has as it embraces many denominational values in the worship. As the caring Church, it stands along with those who lost their loved ones, as well as sharing cultural fellowship after the worship and through other activities. It is also the Singing Church, as Singing has been at the heart of LTCC from the beginning till now.

Reflecting on the past 50 years, there are lots of golden memories of those whom we know and of the events which connected us with the Lord meaningfully such as LTCC Worship Services, Carol Services, Outings, Fun days, Cultural evenings, Vocation Bible schools, Sunday schools, Youth meetings, and Prayer meetings via Zoom and in person. We thank God for LTCC as a ‘Mother Church’ to many people and also for the Churches that mark members’ Christian life situations such as baptisms, weddings, funerals and other special events.

Bringing your/family's handwritten Book of Psalm 1-150 to the Service this year from June onwards (not only before 19th June) and sending your memories to the Golden Jubilee Wall on the website by email to the Putney Church are the special Golden Jubilee Projects which have been promoted since the beginning of this year.

Promoting LTCC’s Golden Jubilee, and bringing people to give thanks to God on 26th June at Rivercourt Methodist Church, needs to be each one’s responsibility. We are making efforts in this Golden Jubilee year to support a Theological Student from Lanka Theological College, Pilimatalawa, Sri Lanka, for 4 years. Your giving will enable a needy female student from Sri Lanka to become theologically trained to build God’s Kingdom. Looking back, we need to praise God for Ms. Stella Dharshini, who was supported by LTCC and is now working as the Programme Manager for the Commission for Christian Education at the National Council of Churches in Sri Lanka (NCCSL)

I thank God for Putney Methodist Church and the present worshipping centres: Rivercourt Methodist Church - Hammersmith, South Harrow Methodist Church - South Harrow, Heston Asian United Reformed Church - Hounslow, and their Ministers for their generosity in providing the space for us to worship. We gracefully remember previous Ministers of LTCC for their tremendous commitment in the life of LTCC and the guest Ministers who gave their helping hands in our special services.

I wish and pray that the Lord bless LTCC continually and bring many into the LTCC family to proclaim and witness His love in the coming years. May the family of LTCC grow in the Spirit of the Lord to fulfil His Vision and Mission!

Bless LTCC… Arise and shine for the Lord to tell of His greatness!

I wish you all a blessed and meaningful LTCC 50th year Anniversary and may your family, as Christ’s servants, be a great blessing to many wherever you are!

With lots of love and blessings

Revd Jessie Anand

Minister, LTCC

June 2022





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